From it’s development and release in the 1980’s Fuelscoop has established a reputation for doing exactly as the initial promotion stated; “Fuelscoop Saves Fuel!”
Used not only by individual truck owners, but over the years has been the product of choice for major clients such as Linfox, Australia Post, Safeway, and Frigmobile to mention only a few. While Fuelscoop started off as ‘a good idea’, through the wind tunnels at RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) Fuelscoop was proven to be aerodynamically effective. With the passing of years the standard “Fuelscoop” still provides excellent fuel savings with an extremely reliable track records. In fact some of the very earliest Fuelscoops sold can still be seen in operation on certain 1980’s trucks.
In articulated operations savings of 8 to 12 percent can be expected, and for rigid trucks savings above 10% are typical (assuming truck is driven at speeds similar to before fitment). Fuelscoop is also an excellent option where a body builder has fitted a cone device to the front of a van body and the truck owner wishes to prevent the cone device from deflecting the airflow down behind the truck-cab. Examples of this have provided operators such as Linfox with additional savings of 8 percent in addition to the savings of the cone.
Particularly for extra large bodies / truck loads the 900mm high Fuelscoop is ideal as it provides over deflection due to its unique concave design.
Fuelscoop is shaped to the cab roof and therefore has its load spread over broad area, ensuring that there will be no opportunity for roof damage.
Fuelscoop’s brilliant white finish is of a quality not requiring painting, but if painting is required to match company corporate colours, quality means that post painting is a simple procedure.